Minoxidil Topical: Uses & Side Effects - HeadBlade

Minoxidil Topical: Uses & Side Effects

Minoxidil is an FDA approved solution (or foam) that is used in products to stimulate hair growth. Men usually use minoxidil in order to treat male pattern hair loss, whereas females use it to promote growth with thinning hair. Minoxidil is the dominant chemical found in the product Rogaine.

Minoxidil is categorized under the class of drugs called vasodilators. Although on the market for decades, it is still unknown how minoxidil causes hair growth. And although it works for some, it should not be used for patchy hair loss, genetic hair loss, or hair loss caused by giving birth.

How it Works

As a topical solution, minoxidil has to be used over a long period of time, In order to see results, treatment needs to be consistent. Minoxidil only lasts as long as the medicine is used. If minoxidil is not applied routinely, hair loss will continue.

Minoxidil Side Effects

If you are following the directions and applying the right amount of minoxidil side effects are rare. However, applying more of the solution will not make it work better nor faster. It is important to be wary of your scalp’s condition before applying minoxidil. Because the product contains alcohol, it can irritate or dry out the scalp. It can also change the color and texture of your hair while simultaneously encourage facial hair growth.

If minoxidil is absorbed into the bloodstream, it can have serious side effects. Some of the physical systems include chest pain, rapid heartbeat, swelling of the extremities, headache, dizziness, or flushing.

But, Does it Work?

Minoxidil (Rogaine) does work for some and doesn’t for others. The success is limited to men with specific types of baldness. As stated before, you also must be dedicated to the routine application. If it does work, not all hair will come back.

Embrace Your Hair loss!

Embrace your hair loss. Instead of using chemicals that might work, embrace your genetics. Just shaving your hair off can be one of the greatest things. Shaved-head men are perceived as sexier, more intelligent, and more dominant.
