Why Are Shaved Heads ‘Hot’? - HeadBlade

Why Are Shaved Heads ‘Hot’?

Shaved heads have a striking and distinctive look. Culturally, shaved heads are associated with the military and athletes: symbolizing strength, vitality, and vigor. In addition, men who shave their head are regarded as more agreeable and more dominant. Dominance is a key factor in sexual attraction and authority in the workplace. Embracing your baldness can help you embrace your true self, raise your self-esteem, and influence the way you carry yourself in the world. With self-confidence, people will be drawn to you and find you more attractive.

It’s in the Science

A research study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania found that men with shaved heads ranked higher for “masculinity, strength, dominance and leadership potential.” The study was published in the Journal of Social Psychological and Personality Science and gave significant evidence that the shaved look is more attractive than visibly balding. Thus, men with patterned baldness or receding hairlines should just go ahead and embrace their baldness.

Proper Maintenance

A shaved head looks best when it is properly maintained. The good thing about a shaved head is that the grooming process is less painstaking. Shaving your head eliminates frequent visits to the barber, purchasing shampoos, and maintaining hairstyles. When you commit to a shaved head, investing in a good razor like HeadBlade MOTO razor and adding some lube such as HeadLube Glossy could be the only steps in your grooming process.

Make sure you have the best head shave experience. HeadBlade’s award-winning razors have a track-proven record. The patented suspension design incorporates a ball design that allows for dual-active suspension allowing for closer and easier shave.
